"Reflections on Non-Actors' Creativity in La terra trema and Nicht Versöhnt, Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy)    
"Shaping Collective Visual Memory by Rewriting Propaganda: The Repetitive Use of the Last Film Shots of Adolf Hitler in Documentary Films" Paper presented at the Cultural Politics of Memory Conference, Cardiff University (Wales, United Kingdom)    
"The diegetic room in the series Der Forellenhof (Germany 1965-66) and Xanadu (France 2011): Spatial representation of the functionality and dysfunctionality of the family myth, the entire house" Paper presented at the 16th International Culture and Power Conference, University of Murcia, Spain    
"Returning to the Source: The Last Shots of Adolf Hitler - Four Dimensions of Their Use in Documentary Films and the Circumstances of their Production" Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS), Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)    
"Da war ich ein Film und eine Wochenschau - Medienkritische Reflexion in Irmgard Keuns Roman Das kunstseidene Mädchen, Paper on the critical perspective on the media in Irmgard Keun's novel "The Artificial Silk Girl", presented at the Junior Researcher Conference of Brandenburg (14. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz des Landes Brandenburg), Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)    
"Das 'ganze Haus' gestern und heute: Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion eines familiären Mythos" Paper on the construction and deconstruction of the concept of the 'entire house' in television series, presented at the conference Family in critical times ("Familie in krisenhaften Zeiten"), Cologne University (Germany)    
"Xanadu - Spekuliere und Du wirst verstehen" Paper on moments of speculation in the French television series Xanadu, presented at the annual conference of the Society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, GfM), Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

Invited presentations 2015 "Tarzan, the Ape Man meets the Earth Trembles: Discourses on non-actors in Classic Hollywood and Neo-realist cinema", Max Kade Institute of the University of Southern California (USC) // 2013 Introduction to the movie "Vincent wants to sea" (Filmeinführung zu "Vincent will Meer"), Istituto Tedesco Perugia (Italy) / Guest lecturer: "Diverso da chi?" (Seminar on the representation of Tourette's Syndrome in fictional feature films), University of Perugia (Italy) / Guest lecturer: "Die Vermittlung von Rollenbildern im Fernsehen (Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung)" planned and facilitated introductory workshop on the representation of role models in contemporary television shows, Erich-Pommer-Institut (EPI) Potsdam (Germany)               back