Conference presentations
Together with Konrad Wolf and Leonie Graf, impulse on the project "Inklusion in der Lehre der Theaterkünste" ("Inclusion in the teaching of theater arts") at the conference "Zukunft ist jetzt! EUCREA-FORUM ZU INKLUSIVER KÜNSTLERISCHER AUSBILDUNG", KHS Weißensee
"The Cinematic Streetscape in Potsdam: Palimpsest - Cultural Arena - Performative Space" Paper presented at the "Locating Media Industries: Cities, Spaces, Places" Conference at King's College London
Speaker at the international conference Creative Ways into Desirable Futures, topic: "Innovative training formats for the professionals of tomorrow"
Brief impulse on diversity at art colleges in the context of a seminar at the Malmö Theatre Academy, online by invitation and Brief impulse on open access at arts colleges in the context of the workshop "Performing Open Access", open access network, online by invitation
"Spazi Immaginari: Fotografia, Cinema E Architettura", University of Perugia (Italy), online by inv.
Podcasts als Forschungsinstrument (Podcasts as a research tool), Paper presented at the 34. FFK at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, online
"Film (heritage) in the city", lecture at at Graduate School at Mersin University, Turkey, online by invitation
Film Studies as a Predestined Field for "Citizen Research and Participatory Research", short presentation at the workshop "Into the Wild? Film Studies and Transitions into 'Openness'", online
"Audio Visual Lockdown Works and their Communication Spaces", Paper presented at the "Dial S for Screen Studies Conference" of the Sydney Screen Studies Network
"Bürgerwissenschaftler*innen auf der Suche nach dem filmischen Gesicht der Stadt" ("Citizen scientists in search of the cinematic face of the city"), Paper presented at the 33. Film- und Fernsehwissenschaftlichen Kolloquium, HBK Braunschweig (Germany)
Filmwissenschaft in Potsdam (Film Studies in Potsdam), Talk in the lecture series "HIS WIS - Historische Seiten der Wissenschaft" (Historical perspectives on Science) at the Volkshochschule Potsdam (adult education centre)
'Kaffe Kino': An infrastructure of engagement with the Defa film heritage - a place of resistance against the power structures of film heritage marketing? Paper presented at the IAMHIST Conference "Power and the Media", Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne (GB)
Reconstructing the "Eisenstein Cabinet" in VR, Paper presented at the NECS 2019 Conference "Structures and Voices. Storytelling in Post-Digital Times", Gdansk (Poland)